Tag Archives: biocatalysis

Developing strategies for engineering efficient biocatalysts for the industrial production of chiral compounds

The market of chiral pharmaceuticals and of other fine chemicals for the fragrance and plant-protecting industries is a global multi-billion dollar business which is steadily growing. In general, only one of the enantiomers, the (R) or the

Finechemical production by photosynthesis

The foreseeable depletion of fossil resources and the increase of atmospheric CO2 leads to a urgent demand of to increase the sustainability of our industry. The pharmaceutical and chemical industries belong to the most waste-intensive and energy

Selecting for selective enzymes: Engineering P450s to produce chiral alcohols

Hydroxylation is the insertion of an oxygen atom into a C-H bond, to give chemicals with a C-O-H linkage (commonly known as alcohols). The process of hydroxylation is one difficult for chemists to achieve due to the

Water oxidation by a biomolecule (amavadin) without light contribution

Amavadin is a metallobiomolecule without amino acids that occurs with a significant concentration in a few closely related Amanita fungi, such as A. muscaria. It is a [V(S,S-HIDPA)2]2- complex anion (see Figure 1, assigned with A) with