Tag Archives: free radicals

Melatonin protects the powerhouses of cells, the mitochondria

Mitochondria have been named the ‘powerhouses of cells’, because they are the main source of ATP, a carrier molecule of chemical energy for versatile use in numerous metabolic reactions. ATP is generated by the electron transport chain

Cupric ions enhance the radical scavenging capacity of cysteine-derived antioxidants

Free radicals are chemical species with one or more unpaired valence electrons. This feature predetermines a high reactivity of free radicals that may initiate a variety of chemical processes such as explosions or polymerizations. Free radicals play

Ergothioneine prevent UVA – induced skin damage through its potent antioxidant property

It is well – known that continuous exposure to ultraviolet ( UV ) radiation from sunlight can cause mild to severe skin damage, characterized by wrinkles, inflammation, photoaging, pigmentation, photo – carcinogenesis, photo – dermatoses etc. Most