Tag Archives: hospital

How To Equip Field Hospitals For Disaster Response

Disasters can strike anywhere, and emergency staff should be trained and ready to assist to the best of their abilities. However, the care given in an emergency would need an array of medications and equipment to help

Using AI to improve the quality and quantity of hand washing in hospitals

AoS. Using AI to improve the quality and quantity of hand washing in hospitals

Poor quality hand hygiene has been identified as the main contributor to the spread of hospital acquired infections. In the USA, they affect 2 million patients of which nearly 90,000 die. The cost of these infections is

A role of characteristics of hospitals in the prevalence of childhood undernutrition on admission

Characteristics of patients and nutritional status at 3 different hospitals. AoS

Undernutrition in children is one of the important global health issues. In the developing countries, the main cause of undernutrition is an inadequate nutritional intake due to the poverty. On the other hand, in developed countries, dieting

Hospital, infections and the Matthew effect

Hospital, Infections and the Matthew Effect. AoS

Berlin’s Charité hospital, the city’s largest, has an illustrious past. Founded some 300 years ago, it became part of what is presently Humboldt University in 1810, and between1901-1908 three Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine were on

Daily costs were higher on day 1 than on subsequent days for surgical ICU patients

Not all hospitals beds are created equal. In the most basic case, a hospital may have beds on a general ward and beds in an intensive care unit (ICU). The main difference between these two locations is