Tag Archives: internet

Radiation oncology articles not easily readable for most Americans

Many Americans turn to the Internet for medical information. In fact, over 80% of Internet users seek information online regarding their health, which demonstrates how often the Internet is used to research diseases, medical treatments, and other

Are Internet lifestyle products counterfeit? A consumer-based survey

The use of lifestyle products has increased over the last few years particularly with the change in the social behaviour of individuals and the ease of access of medicines via the Internet. Lifestyle products can be of

Effectiveness of an Internet intervention to decrease young adults’ risk for skin cancer

Every year, almost five million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer. Though many think of cancer as being an issue for older people, melanoma is the second most diagnosed cancer in adults aged 20-39. This is in

Using Google Search engine for predicting popularity and harm of psychoactive agents

Misuse of psychoactive agents is one of the most serious social issues. They are often illegal but readily available on the black market. Psychoactive drugs may lead to addiction, affect human brain, human behaviour, mood or perception

Monitoring research projects in resource-constrained countries in real-time

In under-resourced countries, paper forms are still frequently used to collect research data. Paper records are expensive to prepare, distribute, store and archive. Paper is easy to lose or destroy, and is not easy to access especially

Blogging as a research methodology

The Arthriting study, the larger study this paper is from, was done to improve our understanding of the daily experiences of young people (aged 11-19) with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), the commonest type of arthritis in young

Does habitual Internet use affect our brain? Are both genders in danger?

The Internet has not only become our external memory and essential media source for social life and entertainment, it also has full potential to become addictive. Even though it is still a matter of discussion whether Internet