Tag Archives: male
Why is anxiety more common in women? Investigating sex differences in threat and safety learning
Anxiety-related disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are up to twice as common in women as in men but the reasons behind this remain unclear. People with PTSD often experience negative emotions like fear when reminded of
Male infertility and dental health status: the missing link?
More than 48.5 million couples worldwide are unable to conceive, and at least 40-50% of the cases are associated with male factor infertility (MFI), affecting approximately 31 million men worldwide. MFI is defined as alterations in sperm
Human brains do not belong to two distinct types: ‘female brains’ and ‘male brains’
Males who take citicoline show increased motor speed and attention
Distinguish males and females using the mandibular canine tooth
Rao and collaborators developed a methodology based on the mandibular canine to estimate the sex of an individual. Using this methodology, called mandibular canine index (MCI), the authors proposed a cut-value above which the subjects should be