Tag Archives: next generation sequencing

What about the real costs of next generation sequencing (NGS) in human genetic diagnostics?

Human genetics diagnostics (HGD), which always has to go together with human genetic counselling, is a rapidly developing field. HGD may become necessary in case of familial cancer syndromes, infertility, prenatal abnormal sonography or a child born

Interrogating the genome: approaches and tools for accessing genomic databases

Reference genome DNA sequences for thousands of species have now been determined, and deposited in freely – accessible public databases. The availability of these genomic data has revolutionized biology, enabling insights into the evolution of life on

Next generation sequencing, a new gold standard for clinical gene panel testing

The adaption of the Next Generation Sequencing ( NGS ) technology to clinical laboratories has revolutionized the molecular diagnostics by reducing the costs and increasing the throughput. Clinical use of NGS enables simultaneous testing of multiple genes

Genital melanoma or genital nevus? Molecular answers to a sensitive question

Melanomas arising in the genital region of women are rare although they are the second most common type of cancer in this area. They occur more frequently in women after menopause and tend to be aggressive because

Diagnosis of small cell lung carcinoma metastases

Cancer is defined by unscheduled cellular growth and metastatic spread into other organs of the body. Tumor cells gain their capacities form genetic alterations, also known as mutations, leading to altered protein functions and signaling pathways. Tumors