Tag Archives: root

Signaling crosstalk in the Ve-resistance locus of tomato

Influence of Ve1 gene on tomato root size

Verticillium is a fungal pathogen that causes vascular wilt disease in over 200 species of plants, including many crops. The fungus invades through the root and enters the water conducting xylem where it proliferates and rapidly becomes

A sticky, flexible and strong material for better dentistry

Restorations of endodontically treated teeth represent a big part of modern restorative treatment. A post and core should be fabricated to provide retention for the coronal restoration- most often an indirectly made crown. Traditionally metal cast post

Control of plant architecture by gravity

Plants are permanently tethered to the soil and thus, unlike animals, they cannot physically escape from harmful situations. Instead, they have evolved mechanisms to adapt their growth to an ever-changing environment. A simple example of this phenomenon,