Tag Archives: social

A tipping point in the size of human groups for successful cooperation in social-ecological systems

How large should be a human group to succeed in collaborating effectively? From a theoretical standpoint, social sciences teach that the larger is the group the harder is to cooperate. So far there was no convincing evidence

Social Entrepreneurship – applying the scientific method to solving social problems

“The business of doing good” reviews the new textbook “Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship,” a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to use a data-driven approach to making a difference. Based on a course at Harvard, this book

How social changes affect community robustness more than resource depletion

Understanding human- environmental interactions and feedbacks is a key challenge in today fast pacing world where climate is dramatically changing and profound socio-economic transformations are ongoing. While these changes affect the humankind, they have more severe effects

Puberty changes how adolescents remember peer faces

Together with voices, faces are the most important source of social information for humans, even prior to birth. What is equally important to know is how the kinds of information we pay most attention to in faces

When you and me become two sides of one coin

Since about mid-1700 western ideology increasingly emphasizes individualism and the distinction between a person and his or her social environment. But the separation between oneself and others has been shown to vary between individuals and even from