Tag Archives: chromatin

Shutting down unwanted visitors: Please be quiet

AoS. Shutting down unwanted visitors

Our cells respond to invading DNAs formed by viral infection in a variety of ways to suppress their ability to produce RNAs and proteins. One mechanism is to wrap the DNA with histones into a form of

Chromatin architecture changes and replication fork collapse after freezing-thawing

Chromatin architecture changes and replication fork collapse after freezing-thawing. AoS

Higher-order chromatin structure (architecture) plays the crucial role in DNA transcription, replication and repair. Defects to DNA architecture are permanently caused by internal cellular processes and various environmental factors, such as exposure to chemicals or ionizing radiation.

Is chromatin remodeling required to modulate embryonic development?

Chromatin remodeling is active critical process during embryonic development and in cellular malignancies such as cancer. Chromatin is the highly condensed form by which the genomic material (DNA) is packaged in the cell nucleus. The fundamental subunit

Control of cell identity by the nuclear architecture

In a complex organism, all cells use their identical genetic potential to differentiate into a variety of cell types characterized by different morphology, nuclear shape and function. This is possible because only a small subset of genes

What does a guardian protect genomic DNA from?

Living organisms can achieve their propagation through copying (replicating) the genetic information, coded in DNA sequence, and dividing them to each daughter cell. DNA sequence is a basic element and its conservation is essential for individual life