Tag Archives: fluorescence microscopy

Method to measure calcium signaling in nanometer-sized primary cilia

Cilia are slender microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the apical membrane in most adherent cells. Studies looking into the mechanosensory function of the primary cilium have proved it to be an essential cellular organelle. When exposed to

kINPen09 plasma treatment leads to antimicrobial effects against Candida albicans biofilms

Fluorescence microscopy of plasma-treated biofilms. AoS

Microbial communities are an increasing problem in medicine but also in industry. Thus, an efficient and rapid removal of biofilms from surfaces is becoming increasingly important. With the aid of the kINPen09, a radiofrequency plasma jet (RFPJ)

Visualizing transcription factor dynamics, one molecule at a time

In a multicellular organism, each cell type expresses only a subset of genes encoded in the genome. Moreover, hundreds of genes can be regulated by external stimuli. This complex regulation is mediated by proteins called transcription factors.