Tag Archives: MAPK

Molecular defense adopted by sea urchin embryos to cope with Nickel

Molecular defense adopted by sea urchin embryos to cope with Nickel

Nickel (Ni) is a natural constituent of the Earth’s crust and, together with its compounds, it is used in many industrial and commercial applications. At very low doses, Ni carries out many physiological roles in biochemical processes

Activation by inhibition

Phosphorylation of proteins is one of the most important mechanisms through which protein function is quickly and reversibly regulated. Prototypically, an extracellular ligand binds to its cognate receptor(s) on the surface of a target cell, leading to

Arsenic´s different effects under normoxia and hypoxia and its ambivalent role in cancer

Arsenic (As) is as natural contaminant in drinking water in particular in Argentina, Canada, India, Japan, China, Taiwan, Mexico, Chile, and the United States. It is best known as a toxic element which upon chronic ingestion is,