Tag Archives: clinical trial

DARC – A light at the end of the tunnel

Atlas of Science. DARC - A light at the end of the tunnel

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness, affecting more than 70 million people worldwide. Visual loss is attributed to death of nerve cells, called retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), in the back of the eye. There is

Overcome obstacles in the treatment of scarred kidneys

More than 10% of the world’s population suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), a serious disorder that leads to a prominent reduction in quality of life and might end fatally. Independent of its initial cause, virtually all

Computer simulations predict the cause of a drug’s fatal neurotoxicity in a failed clinical trial

A new drug called BIA 10-2474, in development for pain management, caused severe side effects in a clinical trial in France in 2016. In the safety phase of the clinical trial, one healthy participant died from unexpected

Scientists don’t have to travel alone; solutions can come from the crowd

Science is sometimes perceived as a lonely affair where a lone genius strives to break the code that will unlock hidden knowledge deep inside the data. Without question the contributions of great scientists are of value, but

Enrichment design accommodating the biomarker misclassification

Increased understanding of the mechanistic heterogeneity of diseases has brought us to the era of molecularly targeted therapies (MTAs) in clinical oncology. The MTAs block the growth of cancer cells by identifying and attacking specific biomarker pathways

CAD/CAM-fabricated fixed dental prostheses made from acrylic resin as long-term temporaries

CAD/CAM technology made great strides within the last 15 years. Not only software and hardware of the computers, but also the integration in milling machines drives manufacturers to provide continuously improved systems to the market. These fabrication

Reduceing risk of second stroke through motivational interviewing

About 25% of people who have a stroke will have a second stroke within the next 12-months. The purpose of this study was to determine if Motivational Interviewing (MI) could be used to reduce a person’s risk