Tag Archives: recovery

The Brief Post-Coma Scale (BPCS): an easy tool to assess responsiveness in disorders of consciousness

Brief Post-Coma Scale (BPCS). AoS

The Brief Post-Coma Scale (BPCS) is an easy diagnostic tool to differentiate patients with disorder of consciousness in the minimally conscious state (MCS) from those in unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS), formerly defined as vegetative state (VS). The

Impact of decontaminant and microbiological media on Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis

Effect of decontamination on the recovery of Map

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) has aetiological significance in Crohn’s disease of humans, and chronic intestinal disease in domestic and wild ruminants. This opportunistic pathogen can proliferate inside its host, whilst restricted to grow in the environment.

How do people’s expectations compare to the reality of their recovery after a knee replacement surgery?

Average recovery timeline

The decision to undergo a knee replacement is not one taken lightly by the patient or medical team. For many people with arthritis, medication and exercise therapies can help their symptoms, but when problems persist, a knee

Performing muscle-damaging exercise with low muscle glycogen does not influence short-term recovery

Athletes often perform activities that involve repeated, intense and / or unaccustomed contractions, whereby the active muscle lengthens as it contracts. For example , the quadriceps muscles repeatedly lengthen when walking downstairs, running downhill and cross –

Recovering from addiction: Do peer-delivered services help?

New research indicates that addiction to alcohol and drugs is a chronic condition. For many, recovery from addiction is often a lengthy process that requires ongoing management and support. Yet the traditional approach to addiction provides intensive

Recovery after brachial plexus surgery continues for longer than previously thought

Brachial plexus injuries (BPIs) are severely debilitating injuries in which the nerves exiting the spinal cord at the level of the cervical and upper thoracic spine are damaged. Because these nerves power the musculature of the upper

Extended VATS lobectomy

A lobectomy is the standard operation for removal of a lung cancer.  Traditionally, it is performed through a large incision (approximately 15 cm or 6 inches) at the side of the chest.  This incision, termed a thoracotomy,