Tag Archives: fly

Some homemade simple tools and their use in handling of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster

AoS. Some homemade simple tools

Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism widely used in biological research and biology education. Transferring adult flies is a common but difficult practice as flies fly. A set of homemade tools can be used to tackle this

The olive fruit fly is never alone! Can its bacterial symbionts be useful in managing this olive pest?

AoS. The olive fruit fly is never alone

The notion of individual has changed trough time, and truly, we are never alone as most organisms are entangled in symbioses. As first used in 1879 by Anton de Bary, symbiosis refers to close, long-term associations between

A tale of pesticide use, resistance and the urge for One-Health

Edible olives and the production of olive oil dates to 5000 BC and, nowadays, it is estimated to occupy an area of 10.2 million hectares. More than 90% of the total area is in the Mediterranean Basin.

Big tasks for small flies: signaling cascades may help insects to detect faint odor traces

Have you ever wondered how a tiny vinegar fly manages to find its way to a ripened fruit in your kitchen? As many other insects flies possess a very keen sense of smell, which allows them to

Of flies and men: investigating human disease in fruit flies

My lab studies diseases which affect the neurons connecting our brains to the muscles throughout our bodies, called motor neurons. In particular, we are interested in the hereditary spastic paraplegias (or HSPs for short), a group of

Two male forms vs one female form in a new black fly discovered from Malaysia

A new species of black fly (tiny, two-winged biting fly with its body 2–3 mm long) discovered from Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia, was given a new name, Simulium mirum. Simulium is a genus name and mirum is