Tag Archives: transcription factors

Sheath blight of rice: challenges and management

Rice (Oryza sativa L) is one of the most widely consumed cereal crops, grown in more than a hundred countries. Around 40,000 different varieties of rice exist in the world, with China producing the largest amount of

Visualizing transcription factor dynamics, one molecule at a time

In a multicellular organism, each cell type expresses only a subset of genes encoded in the genome. Moreover, hundreds of genes can be regulated by external stimuli. This complex regulation is mediated by proteins called transcription factors.

Recurrent ontogenesis

Flowering plants arose during the Cretaceous, and up to date they count around 235,000 species, representing the largest and most diverse group within the plant kingdom. One of the foundation of their success relies upon the production

Molecular players behind sunflower architecture: differential transcription of two genes

During plant embryogenesis the primary axis of development is established by two groups of pluripotent cells: the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ), responsible for aboveground organs generation, and the root apical meristem (RAM), responsible for underground

The evolutionarily conserved role of Sp1 in appendage morphogenesis

Despite millions of years of independent evolution, some aspects of vertebrate and arthropod development share striking similarities. For example the appendages of a mouse and of a fly, at the naked eye doesn’t seem to share too

Molecular cardiology: refocusing on diastolic (dys)function

The pumping of the heart consists of alternate contractions (systole) and relaxations (diastole). The inability of the left ventricle (LV) to eject (systolic dysfunction) or fill (diastolic dysfunction) blood most frequently leads to heart failure (HF) with

Genes on or off! How regulatory DNA variations disrupt the balance of P53 and cMYC binding

Identification of causative DNA variants in common complex diseases is very important to screen individuals with high-risk for diseases and for developing therapies to target the genetic cause of diseases, in particular cancer. DNA variations that lie

ATF3-dependent cross-talk between cardiomyocytes and macrophages promotes cardiac maladaptive remodeling

Cardiovascular diseases are disorders of the heart and blood vessels which are leading to heart failure. Cardiovascular diseases correspond to 30% of all deaths in the world. The molecular processes that undergone from a healthy heart to

Escherichia coli K-12 as a model to understand gene regulation

Escherichia coli K-12, a bacterium of the normal flora of humans, represents one of the most important model organisms in biology. This microorganism has been completely sequenced at DNA level, and contains 4319 genes. An important element

From milliseconds to lifetimes: dynamic behavior of transcription factors in gene networks

When living organisms are exposed to a sudden change in the environment, many genes are turned on in an organized manner to enable the organism to cope and respond to the changing environment. This coordinated genome-wide response