Tag Archives: diet
Cancer prevention guidelines are associated with lower cancer risk in low-income and African American populations
Dining at extraordinary locations: new species of bacteria on fatty diet
Do ready meals provide adequate nutritional value for the elderly?
The UK is the biggest market for ready meals in Europe, and the single elderly rely more on ready meals than any other group in British society. But do these meals provide adequate nutritional value? A recent
Bloody stool due to ulcerative colitis during low-carbohydrate weight-loss diet
Why drinking the Mediterranean way is healthier
A recent letter in the British Medical Journal suggests that how alcohol is consumed should be given more emphasis when advising on alcohol limits. The British government recently reduced its recommended limit to 14 units per week
From famine to feast: cells can adapt to nutritional changes
How to increase heights in short populations such as the Philippines
Interactions between nutrition and various infections in developing countries are complex and analyses of the inter-relationships requires data from longitudinal studies spanning several years and a comprehensive framework facilitating the formulation of food and health policies. There
Are children, adults and elderly women in Greece meeting dietary intake recommendations?
Low salt intake during pregnancy
Is high energy intake driving weight gain?
Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish oil supplementation during pregnancy
The pregnancy is a time of increased risk for omega-3 deficiency as they are used for the baby’s brain and eye development both before and after birth. Data derived from observational studies have found that low intake