Tag Archives: DNA damage

Coordination of DNA transcription and DNA replication by the DNA damage response through the Ddx19 RNA helicase

DNA transcription is a fundamental cellular process that allows gene expression through generation of messenger RNA molecules (mRNA) that are then translated into proteins in the cytoplasm of the cell. However when cells proliferate, another key cellular

On the track of DNA damage in insects

DNA is a molecule containing all information necessary for proper function, development, growth, and reproduction of an organism. DNA usually consists of two strands, which are made of nucleotides. Each of them contains one nitrogen nucleobase –

Protection from DNA-damage with the natural compound resveratrol

Resveratrol is currently known as a health-beneficial natural compound that is contained in grape skins, red wine, and other natural foods. Recent studies suggest that the compound could elongate the life spans of several organisms through a

Can we select best sperm?

About 48.5 million couples worldwide have been unable to birth a child after five years or more, and have used assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Male infertility is a cause in 30-50% of these cases. Infertile men tend

A transcriptomic approach for cardiac (heart) safety assessment

New drug discovery relies on several phases of safety assessment. One such prominent in vitro safety assessment assay is the “hERG potassium channel assay” for cardiac safety. If a compound blocks the hERG potassium channel in a

Identification of a novel factor implicated in the resistance of cancer to the therapy

Therapeutic treatment of cancer involves radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy so to generate a large amount of lesions in the DNA. Because cancer cells have reduced capacity to repair DNA lesions and are unable to slow down proliferation, this

NEIL2 repairs DNA damage within active genes, maintains chromosome end integrity, prevents inflammation

Mammalian cells are subjected to a plethora of exogenous and endogenous agents that cause damage to the cellular DNA. One of the major sources of such damage is oxygen-derived molecules and free radicals, collectively termed “Reactive Oxygen

The TMPRSS2-ERG fusion gene radiosensitizes to PARP inhibition by blocking DNA repair

Radiotherapy, which is used widely in the clinic, produces DNA damage that leads to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The effectiveness of radiotherapy is augmented when the DNA repair is impaired. TMPRSS2-ERG is a unique fusion gene that