Tag Archives: eye

Retroduplication of rhodopsin gene 400 million years ago diversified the photoreception in fishes

AoS. Retroduplication of rhodopsin gene 400 million years ago diversified the photoreception in fishes.

Animals utilize light from the environment as important information sources. We can discriminate colors, brightness and shapes of objects by visual system. In addition, animals can detect daily and seasonal changes of the light environment to alter

What happens inside the eye: fluid forces under physiologic movements

What happens inside the eye. AoS

The vitreous is a gel-like structure that completely fills the posterior part of the eye. Doctors inject drugs directly inside the vitreous to cure sight-threatening diseases like age-related macular degeneration. These are relatively new therapies; few is

Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis: an eye on retinal inflammation

Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. AoS

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s disease cases are constantly increasing worldwide due to population aging. Typical symptoms of the disease include memory loss, cognitive deficits, personality and behavior modifications. At the

Treatment of experimental eye inflammation with a single subconjunctival injection of liposomal steroid

Treatment of experimental eye inflammation

Non-infectious anterior uveitis is an inflammatory condition in the front of the eye that can potentially lead to blindness. The current gold standard for treatment is with steroid eyedrops.  However, this treatment has several disadvantages. Very little

Unsightly war zones of aging

Unsightly War Zones of Aging

Imagine you were trying to hammer a nail, but instead you accidentally hit your thumb. Aside from pain, you may notice redness, swelling, and warmth of your thumb. These are symptoms of inflammation. When an area of

Amniotic membranes can ease the eye pain

The cornea is one of the most innervated tissues in the body. When the corneal nerves undergo damage from various causes (such as refractory dry eye, corneal burns and infections, refractive surgery, among others), abnormal nerve regeneration

Eye opener: the gate for immune cells entering the injured eye

Disease or injury to the retina or optic nerve is one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. As such, major research efforts have been invested in finding ways to protect the neuronal cells of the retina

Are we being shortsighted about shortsightedness?

The number of people becoming myopic (short-sighted), has doubled over the last three decades across the world, reaching levels of 20-50% in Europe and America, and around 80% in East and South East Asia in certain age

For Canadians access to eye care depends on where you live

The Canada Health Act adopted in 1984 is based on the principle of universal healthcare coverage. In other words the Act promises physician and hospital services to all Canadian residents irrespective of income or geography.  Since Canada

Artificial vision by Direct Optic Nerve Electrode (AV-DONE)

There are many blind people in the world. Major causes of blindness are cataract and refractive error according to WHO’s report. But those disease have solutions like surgeries, glasses and contact lens. In spite of recent medical development,

Glaucoma: are people still going blind?

We have seen large advances in preventing, slowing down and reversing vision loss for patients with many eye diseases. Despite these advances, many people with eye disease end up losing their vision.  What is the difference between

Involvement in dry eye is deeper than we think

Dry eye is a very common condition with over 5-30% of the elderly suffering from this disease. In dry eye, which is due to decreased production and/or increased evaporation of the tear, patients may have a multitude

Eyelid drooping may exist in rare diseases of muscle and neuromuscular junction

Eyelid drooping or ptosis is due to many different possible causes, ranging from natural causes (eg natural aging process) to more serious conditions. The ability to open the eye depends on a muscle in the orbit, named

How can we evaluate new advances to see more clearly after cataract surgery?

Cataract, the clouding of the eye’s lens, is a condition that affects a majority of the population 65 years and older, and is one of the most common surgeries performed in the Medicare population. To replace the

Thyroid eye disease: early catch, better fix

Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an uncommon condition that affects some people with an overactive thyroid (a condition called Graves’ disease, of whom about a quarter will develop TED). The disease causes swelling of the tissues behind

Eye movements: a window to the brain of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

In this paper we examined the accuracy and characteristics of eye movements in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and compared these to healthy, typically developing children. FASD may occur when a mother drinks alcohol during

From the gut to the eye: commensal microbes as potential triggers of autoimmune uveitis

Autoimmune uveitis is a group of inflammatory diseases that affect the retina of the eye and related tissues and constitute a major cause of human blindness. It is believed that the disease is triggered by the activation

Infants’ superior perception linked to later autism symptoms

People with autism are often described as “seeing the world differently.” They tend to show superior perception for details, like, for example, the autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire’s highly accurate representations of cityscapes drawn from memory. Now, researchers

Rat model of small opaque eyes open the door to eye research

Ocular diseases in elderly persons, such as cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the main causes of vision loss in developed nations, are paid great attention nowadays. The eye is a complicated organ constructed with

Can mathematics help defeating acquired blindness?

Sight threatening pathologies of the eye retina, the light sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye, are an increasing health concern in the ageing population. A number of risk factors, including high intraocular pressure, high blood