Tag Archives: kinase

All You Need to Know About Protein Kinases

AoS.All You Need to Know About Protein Kinases

A fascinating field of biological study is that of genetics. Almost every ailment that a human can suffer from has some basis within their genes. As understanding grows within this ever-growing field of study, scientists are continuing

A new immune signature in people with Polycythemia vera: a modulator of disease progress?

A new immune signature in people with Polycythemia vera: modulator of disease progress

Polycythemia Vera (PV) is a disease in which your body makes too many red blood cells (RBC), whose main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to all parts of your body. The many circulating RBC

Activation by inhibition

Phosphorylation of proteins is one of the most important mechanisms through which protein function is quickly and reversibly regulated. Prototypically, an extracellular ligand binds to its cognate receptor(s) on the surface of a target cell, leading to

Chronic myeloid leukaemia: a success story in cancer therapy

Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a haematological malignancy caused by a chromosomal translocation that places the c-ABL oncogene, normally located on the long arm of chromosome 9, under the control of the breakpoint control region (BCR) on

Understanding the mode of action of lynamicin D

Bisindolyl alkaloids represent a large family of natural products that exhibit potent and diverse biological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor. Some of these secondary metabolites are currently evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment

Proteins regulate cancer cell attachment

Aggressive cancer cells are able to leave their original site and invade other tissues. In order for these cells to do this, they must have some way of moving around. This means that a cancer cell must

Aldosterone enhances the magnesium permeable ion channel, TRPM7

The homeostatic regulation of salt (sodium) and water are basic functions of all organisms. In mammals, hormones such as aldosterone regulate the excretion and retention of water, sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium within the kidneys. Special

Identification of a new T cell regulator

T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling is mediated by the activation of protein-tyrosine kinases such as p56lck and ZAP-70. In mature T-cells, CD4 and CD8 molecules bind to p56lck which then phosphorylates the intracellular immune-receptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAM)

Mechanism of the tumor suppressive properties of glycodelin

Malignant growth in cancer is characterized by loss of cell differentiation, uncontrolled proliferation and resistance to apoptosis. In some cases it is possible to revert malignant cells back to normal. However, this process is not very well

Kinase inhibitors and new treatments for asthma and COPD

Kinases are enzymes that phosphorylate proteins, leading to their activation within cells. Over 500 kinases have now been identified in human cells and they activate many processes in the cells, including the production of inflammatory mediators. Kinases

Control of plant architecture by gravity

Plants are permanently tethered to the soil and thus, unlike animals, they cannot physically escape from harmful situations. Instead, they have evolved mechanisms to adapt their growth to an ever-changing environment. A simple example of this phenomenon,

Genes regulating Wolbachia cell division

Bacterial infection underlies many devastating diseases, yet bacteria also play a central role in the maintenance of human health and well-being.  From aiding in host food digestion and limiting unfavorable bacterial growth to causing paralysis or even

Making drug discovery more efficient: predicting drug side effects in early screening efforts

Drug research and development is a complex and expensive process that begins with initial screening steps of candidate chemical compounds. Compounds that appear to have the desired potency against a specific cellular target or pathway are further

Glycogen localisation of AMPK is a regulated process

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic master kinase that plays a key role in maintaining energy homeostasis at cellular and whole body level. Recent evidence links AMPK activation to health benefits, such as increased longevity and

Dissecting how cells communicate to prevent cancer relapse

Protein kinases are a class of enzymes that are responsible for the transfer of phosphates onto other proteins. These phosphate groups, although small, can change the behaviour of the protein itself, or the behaviour of those it

Silence the uncontrolled cancer cells’ growth by controlling cellular senescence

When toxic damage caused by environmental or internal stressors accumulates cells can either stop proliferation permanently ( cellular senescence ) or die. Cell death is a common goal of existing cancer therapies, yet cellular senescence is increasingly

Emerging insights from the green world into growth and ageing

Unlike animals whose form and fate is largely determined a brief embryogenesis, plants typically elaborate variable forms more gradually, and in some cases can grow for thousands of years. These differences can be largely attributed to distinct