Tag Archives: dementia
The suitability of scopolamine as an Alzheimer’s model
Painkillers to treat schizophrenia or dementia?
Most common behavioral problems in people with dementia
Repetitive DNA in the ABCA7 gene influences Alzheimer’s disease
Dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease-dementia: Current perspectives
Alzheimer’s risk gene weakens brain cell’s garbage disposal system
Sopping assistance with eating and drinking in severe dementia
More and more people will develop some form of progressive dementia because of increasing life span in most countries. Since there is no effective therapy for Alzheimer’s disease and other progressive dementias, about 50% will die at
Management of apathy in the long-term care setting
CSF-1 receptor and its activators – new players in the nervous system and neurological disease
Dementia and successful ageing after 100: An international consortium
Mild cognitive impairment in older people around the world
The global population is ageing rapidly, and bringing with it an increase in the number of people experiencing physical and mental health conditions associated with older age. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a common condition among older
Early-onset Alzheimer disease: what are we missing?
Memory is the first brain function that starts to fade away when Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology affects the brain of a patient. Decline of additional cognitive functions, shortly follows. This progressive and irreversible disease, intrudes the life
Understanding why behaviours are challenging for dementia family carers
Dementia is a global health challenge that confronts health and social care systems today. It is characterised by global cognitive impairment. However, it is the disruption to daily living and in particular the non-cognitive, (behavioural and psychological)
Physical activity helps to reduce cognitive symptoms for dementia patients
Music therapy eases depression, soothes agitation in nursing home residents with dementia
Promote the health of dementia caregivers
The vast majority of the care for people with Alzheimer’s dementia is and will be carried out by informal caregivers as health care services across the world cut funding. This is a major concern in an aging