Tag Archives: light
Engineering long-wavelength light-driven ion channels to hear the light
Using glowing yeast to keep food safe
Friendly supporter or unfriendly disrupter? Understanding extraordinary phenomena under high humidity for novel oxychloride photocatalysts
Chloroplast movements after blue light pulses give new insights into the photoreceptor functioning
The power of laser light to repair brain from stroke injury
White light emissive molecular siblings
Benefits of aging?
Does pain increase or decrease with age, and if so, what causes the change? A factor we considered is that sensitivity to pain could be altered by an age-related loss of neurons involved in regulation of affective/emotional
Infrared does more good than bad for the skin: how can we learn from the sun
Light enhances the blood glucose monitoring with naked eye
Light as a green tool in pharmaceutical approach: myths, reality and possibility
Photomultiplication type polymer photodetectors with broad spectral response range from UV light to NIR
Lighting up a flashlight without batteries
Influence of light emitting diodes (LED) bulbs on broilers grown to heavy weights
Light management influences growth, reproduction and behavior. Lighting programs slow the early growth rate of broilers allowing them to achieve physiological maturity prior to maximal rate of muscle mass accretion. Selected blood variables including blood gases are