Tag Archives: nerve
Role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of traumatic injury to peripheral nerves
Transventricular transvelar approach to trochlear nerve schwannoma
Hinokitiol (Beta-thujaplicin) has an ability to inhibit action potential conduction in nerve fibers
Hinokitiol, a natural tropolone derivative contained in a species of cypress tree, has various actions including inhibition of apoptosis, and insecticidal, anti-fungal, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities. We previously reported that plant-derived chemicals (capsaicin, menthol and
Nerve conduction inhibition by various antidepressants used to alleviate chronic pain
Spinal nerve involvement in early Guillain-Barré syndrome: the Haymaker and Kernohan’s legacy
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute-onset, immune-mediated disorder of the peripheral nervous system, which is currently divided into several subtypes based on electrodiagnostic, pathological and immunological criteria. GBS includes at least three disease patterns: acute inflammatory demyelinating
Disrupted fat breakdown in the brain makes mice dumb
Dysfunction of cellular analgesic control in neuropathic pain
Nerves are required to repair the injured heart
PACAP expression induced in neuropathic pain is controlled by a splicing of REST/NRSF
Neurothekeomas, uncommon benign tumors of peripheral nerve
Bioengineered human pyloric sphincters with functional muscle and nerves
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a hollow tube that primarily functions to mediate the digestion of the food that we eat into forms of energy and nutrients that the cells and our body can use. The appropriate