Tag Archives: bone

Tuberculosis in ancient bones can also be identified by a protein of the pathogen

As we all know, DNA is the matrix for the proteins and the proteins are the molecules which are involved in every step of the metabolism of all living organisms inside and outside of cells. Without proteins

Primary care doctor follow up of buckle fractures of the forearm

A buckle fracture of the distal radius (wrist bone) is a very minor fracture and the most common fracture in childhood. A “buckle” fracture occurs when there is a wrinkling of the outer edge of the bone

“Good kids in bad neighborhoods” – the role of bone marrow microenvironment in the development of acute myeloid leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common and aggressive blood cancer in adults and is associated with a high rate of mortality due to cancer therapy resistance and disease relapse. AML is characterized by severe deficiency

Identification of old and contemporary human skeletal remains using an automated extraction method

In many forensic cases, bones are the only potential source of genetic material. Analyses of bone samples, especially old skeletal remains, is a challenging task due to the low amounts of DNA achieved and the additionally degraded

Radiotherapy in palliative treatment of metastatic NSCLC: not all one and the same

The role of an editorial is to incorporate the results of a new relevant study in the scientific scenario, shedding light on some particular results of the trial which can change the clinical practice. The starting point

Is a tissue-engineering approach effective for the treatment of osteoporotic bone defects?

Osteoporosis (OP) is a disease that affects the formation, maintenance, and density of bone. OP is also associated with an increased risk of bone fracture. For those people/patients facing a traumatic injury or tumor removal in the

Clay nanotubes loaded with Sr(II) could help in designing composite scaffolds for bone regeneration

The treatment of age-related diseases is a high-priority issue in modern western societies, mainly because of the progressive ageing of the population and the increase in life expectancy. Osteoporosis, literally “porous bone”, is a condition in which

Cortical bone: a ground-breaking source for multipotent stem cells

Multipotent stromal cells also known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a family of cells derived from the mesodermal germ layer, distinguished by their ability to replicate themselves and differentiate, or change morph into different types of

Building a matrix mediated cell expansion system for high-quality cartilage regeneration

Articular cartilage is a tissue found in joints throughout the body (knees, elbows, etc.) that plays a significant role in allowing the body to maintain proper movement and engage in physical activities; it also supports the transfer

Improvement of critically sized bone fracture healing by using conductive tissue engineering scaffolds

Bone is the second most prevalent transplant tissue after blood. Healing the critically sized bone defects caused by tumor or trauma are among the major challenges for orthopedic surgeons. Although, allografts and autografts are commonly used for

Ability of four vitamin D assays to measure vitamin D2

Vitamin D, the sunshine hormone, is essential for healthy bones.   Vitamin D is found in two basic forms in nature—vitamin D3 which is made by skin exposed to sun rays (cholecaliferol), and vitamin D2 which is made

Small-molecule RETRA is effective against a fatal childhood cancer

The bone tumor Ewing’s sarcoma is one of the most aggressive cancers in childhood and adolescence. Before the era of chemotherapy, more than 90% of Ewing’s sarcoma patients succumbed to their disease. With the introduction of intensive

Bone marrow transplantation resets the clock in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) accounts for about one third of all of leukemias. In the United States 15,000 patients are diagnosed with and 4,500 patients die of CLL every year.  CLL is a diverse disease. Some patients

Radiation therapy for nerve pain when cancer spreads to bones

One of the hallmarks of cancer is its ability to spread from the primary site of origin to other places in the body.  Such secondary sites are called “metastases”.  One of the commonest sites for cancer secondaries

Bone cells prefer to grow on aligned fibers

The finding of suitable biomaterials allowing the bone restoration of large bone defects is the subject of active research. Non-resorbable biomaterials such as polymers can constitute suitable scaffolds allowing the deposition of new bone. Microfibers made with

The influence of pollution on bone premature aging: the case of the fishbone

Bone is one of the most sophisticated biological structures developed by nature, its major constituent is a calcium phosphate mineral that is similar, in composition and structure, to minerals within the apatite group which are naturally formed

Elastic properties of the annular ligament of the human stapes

Stapes – the smallest bone in the human body. It is located in the middle-ear. It constantly vibrates transferring sound from the external word to the hearing organ. The vibrations are possible thanks to the extremely compliant

Development of amorphous magnesium-calcium phosphate as a bone substitute biomaterial

The research that we report here is related to amorphous magnesium-calcium phosphate (AMCP) materials. The word “amorphous” is of latin origin; “a” means no and “morphous” means shape. The amorphous materials do not have the well-behaved periodic

The amount of impaction and loss of reduction in osteoporotic proximal humeral fractures after surgery

More than 90% of proximal humerus fractures affect the elderly. Thus, we should understand that these are osteoporotic fractures. We can imagine the proximal humerus of the elderly as an egg shell, a broken egg shell. Fixation

A novel micro-injector for micro injection in dental application

Micro-injection technology is widely used in clinical surgery. Herein, periodontal disease is to be a starting point, we will develop a novel micro-injector carrying bone graft substitutes for repairing bone defect to minimizing the patient’s discomfort. Periodontal